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God is Love, not love is God.

     So today I am 40 yrs old.  I thought that I would be at some other place, somewhere else, doing what my hearts desire was.  I had a lot of aspirations for myself a lot of goals.  I never thought that there would be so many obstacles in the way.  I never thought that I would suffer so much loss in my life, never thought that I would go through times where I was barely clinging on to that last thread of hope that God had given me.  You see I have gone through the wringer in my life several times.  If you were to ask people that know me, you would here them say, "Chris, by every definition is a miracle."      No, I do not bear scars that you can see, I do not have any fantastic stories of how God saved me from sex, drugs and rockin' roll.  Just a whole lot of getting beat up in life, a whole lot of being abandoned by people I loved, whether by sudden death, or by them choosing to leave on their own accord, suddenly, or by them choosing something else consistently over
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John 2

As I began to read John 2 I saw the heading to it, "Water Turned To Wine," and I have read this piece of scripture hundreds if not thousands of times.  So I geared up with my assumptions on what this scripture said and began reading again, out-loud.  "On the third day..." All was going as to be expected, I paused at verse five to reflect on it, and you would think that I would have just soaked in there for a bit, but I have read this hundreds if not thousands of times.  So I did a good little repeat in my head trying to force myself to be solemn, nothing.  So I move on reading aloud verse six and seven and I almost missed it and would have for the thousandth time. 6 Now there were set there six waterpots of stone, according to the manner of purification of the Jews, containing twenty or thirty gallons apiece. 7 Jesus said to them, “Fill the waterpots with water.” And they filled them up to the brim. I know is all seems normal.  But it is not when you take into a

John 1

Introduction to my Savior, my Lord. And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. (John 1:14)           I read John 1 out-loud tonight and it was then that I realized just how much being with Jesus impacted John.  You cannot help but read John out-loud with love in your heart.  To read it in your mind, it is one thing.  But to read it out-loud , at a tone barely above a whisper , "In the beginning..."   It makes God's word come alive because suddenly there is a voice , a tempo , a slight tremor . "And the Word was God..."   the reality of the truth of who Jesus was being spoken aloud, softly, just between God and me.      I tell people that I am in Love with God, I do not just love Him, I am in Love with Him.  I speak to Him, He speaks to me.  "This is how much I Love You " He says to me. "...that all men through him might believe.&quo


What makes a thing cliche'?  I was reading in a comment section today that I saw while checking out a new song by Hillsong Y&F Fet. Lecrea (did I just type all of that? and all of this?) and I saw the use of the term CCM (Christian Contemporary Music) like it was a bad thing, like the meaning of CCM had changed to showcase all of the Christian artists that were of poor quality.  It got me to thinking as I went upstairs to finish getting dressed, about me.  About the uses of words that I have abused. About the things that I, in my past would not see, listen to, or participate in because they had become cliche'.  What I find foolish about this behavior, is that in order for something to become cliche' it has to be really cool at first.  It has to be really fun to do, or listen to, or be a part of.


Yesterday (1/8/2015) the world lost the most influential Christian musicians of our time Andre Crouch.  People called him the father of modern gospel music, in reality he was the one that God used to change the whole face of how we worship Him today.  Andre's legacy moves on with every contemporary, gospel, soul, and worship musician that puts their pen to the paper to write another song to glorify God.  I have recorded one of my favorite Andre Crouch songs.  "Jesus is the Answer"  Mostly because Andre and his sister wrote it together in 1973 and I, a 15yr old young man in 1991, up in my room, with the door closed shut sat in there with my nylon string guitar worshiping my Lord with this very song for hours.  Why?  Because Jesus is the answer, for the world today...and yesterday....and forever.  Thank you Andrea for your legacy, enter in to the Joy of our Lord. I hope you all enjoy my tribute to this wonderful man of God.

Surprise, Surprise!

     I did not ask for it, I needed it, I wished for it, I wanted it.  Everyone around me knew that I needed it but it never came, until that day.      I have asthma, it really sucks and I have had it all of my life.  I have learned to live with it and despite many prayers and my faith being much bigger than a mustard seed, it has not happened yet.  Does that affect my relationship with God?  Yes, yes it does.  It has caused me to believe stronger, to pursue a life of faith more.  Most of all it has caused me to fall deeper in Love with the one who created me.  You see, even though I believe that what He says is true when He said in Matthew 18:18-20

Original Azusa 2

     So there they were, together, just as Jesus had instructed them to be.  They were obedient, because they trusted Jesus to do what He said that He would do.  Acts 2 busts out with "And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting."      Can you imagine being in there at that time?  The sound that came must have been tremendous!  Was it as loud as a jet fighter?  Was it louder?  To be there when that happened must have been so exciting!      Then, to top it off, the fire that John the Baptist prophesied about came. (Matthew 3:11) "Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them." (Acts 2:3)       A huge sound of wind and then BAM!  Tongues of fire!  Awesomeness!! But God was not done yet!  No, they had not yet experienced the best part. "And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit